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Why adopt a Corporate Beehive?

Sustainability reports

Protecting bees highlights your company's strong commitment to protecting the environment and supporting local communities, giving a major boost to your brand's reputation and creating a tangible distinction from competitors.


You will be able to promote your business by authentically highlighting your company's strong commitment to environmental sustainability. Communicating the concrete actions taken to reduce environmental impact will allow you to establish a deep emotional connection with your audience.


L'introduzione di un alveare aziendale rappresenta un'opportunità per coinvolgere attivamente i tuoi collaboratori in un progetto di sostenibilità. Accrescerai la soddisfazione dei dipendenti, contribuendo a migliorare l'E-NPS e a plasmare un ambiente aziendale positivo e stimolante.

Corporate hive adopts a hive in the mountains in Bergamo

Cosa include:

  • Protezione 100.000 api  

  • 10 vasi personalizzati da 500g di miele

  • Miele a scelta tra Acacia, Millefiori e Tiglio

  • Certificato d'adozione dell'alveare

  • Targhetta brandizzata sull'alveare adottato

  • Scelta del nome dell'alveare adottato

  • Aggiornamenti sull'alveare e la produzione di miele

  • Foto e video 

  • Possibilità di organizzare l'accesso in apiario per la realizzazione di contenuti social


NB: it is possible to increase the number of personalized vases, the related cost will be adjusted based on the quantity requested

What it includes:

  • Protection 100,000 bees  

  • 10 personalized jars of 500g of honeyin Christmas gift box

  • Honey chosen from Acacia, Millefiori and Linden

  • Hive adoption certificate

  • Branded tag on the adopted hive

  • Choice of the name of the adopted hive

  • Updates on the hive and honey production

  • Photos and videos 

  • Possibility to organize access inapiary for the creation of social content

NB: it is possible to increase the number of personalized vases in Christmas gift packaging, the related cost will be adjusted based on the quantity requested


Alveare azienale pacchetto Natale di adotta un alveare
Christmas gift box with honey picker for package adopt the hive

Contact us 

For any request for clarification, evaluation of the possibility of having the company hive on site or any other change in the options for adopting the company hive, please contact us:

I tuoi dati sono stati inviati con successo!

Beekeeping Begnigna Mariarosa

Tel. 3511983428



Seriate, (BG) Via Fleming 4

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