Our sustainable development goals (SDGs)
THE17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which have been part of theUnited Nations Agenda 2030, are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - for a global partnership for sustainable development. These countries, including Italy, recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand in hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality and stimulate economic growth, all while addressing climate change and working to preserve oceans and forests.

With our business, we too try to do our small part to live in a more sustainable world, also thanks to our formidable allies, the bees, which we are committed to caring for and protecting with dedication. Bees are indeed an important part of ecosystem health and play a fundamental role in the fight against climate change.
In particular, our contribution is in these3 SDGs:
GOAL 12 - "Ensure sustainable production and consumption models"
Our product has always been completely Plastic Free. In fact, as a container for honey we use glass jars sealed with metal caps. Both glass and aluminum are highly recyclable materials, which over time have no loss of quality.

Ritiriamo gratuitamente i nostri vasetti di miele e da 5 anni restituiamo 0,20€ per ogni vasetto riportato così da incentivare questa pratica. Il riutilizzo del vetro, infatti, non solo riduce la quantità di materiale che finisce nei rifiuti, ma porta anche a risparmi energetici significativi e a una riduzione delle emissioni di anidride carbonica legati ai trasporti e al riciclo dei rifiuti. Ci auguriamo che questa tendenza, già diffusa in tutti i supermercati dei paesi del nord, come Germania e Lituania, prenda piede anche in Italia, dove al momento esiste solo il concetto di “vuoto a rendere” dell’acqua.
Honey is one of the most counterfeited products in the world. Counterfeiting can be done by adding water or sugar, altering product labels, mixing honeys of different quality or different origins. Other forms of adulteration include adding nutrients or additives, such as colors and flavors, and adding chemicals to change the flavor or texture of the honey. Indeed, it is estimated that 90% of the honey produced in China is not even produced by bees, but made in a laboratory and then sold for just over €1/kg. In this way the consumer is defrauded, the environmental costs linked to transport increase and the bees are not protected.
On the contrary, what we do is take care of our bees and the territory in which we work, promoting their sustainability and development. Ourapiaries, in fact, you can find them distributed in theprovince of Bergamo, from the Serio Park to the slopes of Mount Misma. The honey we produce is therefore Km0, and we sell it directly at the Seriate headquarters.
GOAL 15 - "Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of the Earth's ecosystem"
A classic honey substitute is sugar, which however, in addition to not having the beneficial properties of honey, causes serious environmental problems. ThereSugar production, in fact, is responsible for soil erosion, deforestation and the loss of biodiversity. Furthermore, the sugar supply chain is often associated with forced labor practices, worker exploitation, lack of access to clean water and healthcare, and many other human rights violations.
On the contrary, the breeding ofbees it is a sustainable practice, which brings long-term benefits for the environment. This is because bees, through pollination, contribute tomaintain biodiversity of our agricultural crops.

GOAL 11 -"Rendere le città e gli insediamenti umani inclusivi, sicuri, duraturi e sostenibili"
The bees they transport pollen from one flower to another, thus allowing pollination and consequently the formation of fruits. Through it all,guarantee the presence of different plant species, elementessential for the health of nature. As we know, plants have a fundamental role in reducing the amount of CO2 in the air which, through chlorophyll photosynthesis, transform into oxygen.
As regards waste management, as already explored in objective 12, we are committed to usingeasily recyclable materials and above all to stimulate a perspective ofcircular economy.